About us

SIWATEC - the corporate entity name, can be interpreted as an abbreviation of the following words: SIGMA, WATER, TECHNOLOGY. The corporate entity name does not only include a link to the company history, but it also better expresses the current company activity.

We are major supplier of pumping equipment. We supply a complete assortment of pumps for water supply, wastewater drainage, heating, cooling and other industrial applications. Our company is the exclusive representative of renowned manufacturer of pumping equipment PEDROLLO. We are also exclusive representative of PANELLI pumps producer as a member of PEDROLLO GROUP.

In addition to this company, our sales program includes other pump and accessories manufacturers, as GOODWIN, CAPRARI, FAGGIOLATI PUMPS, NETZSCH, SALVATORE ROBUSCHI, BELLIN, SAER and others, to provide comprehensive solution to the individual requirements of each customer.

In cooperation with our subsidiaries, we are also able to offer industrial fittings, mobile pumping units and irrigation systems.

We offer to our customers reliable solutions for pumping different media in many industry sectores. The integrated quality management system ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2015 has been introduced to ensure high quality deliveries. All products have the necessary certificates or declarations of conformity.    

The key to success enabling us to offer quality products and services

Professional experienced staff

Our team of experienced staff will review the specification and propose the most appropriate solution for you.

Individual pump modifications

We can realize pump modifications and adapt it to your specific needs.

Mounting & Installation

We provide professional installation of pumps with the guarantee of proper commissioning.

Warranty service

We provide authorized warranty service for pumps. We use only original spare parts that guarantee quality and long service life.

Post-warranty repairs

Even after the warranty period we will not turn your back on you. In the case of malfunction we will provide repair and remedy of the fault.

Consultations & Suggestions for Solutions

We provide free expert advice in the field of pumping technology.

SIWATEC, s.r.o. is the parent company of the SIWATEC GROUP, which includes AQUA Industrial, s.r.o.

For more information about companies of SIWATEC GROUP, visit www.aquaindustrial.cz.

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