Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump NIKE


Special peristaltic dosing pumps Qmax: 25 l/h Hmax: 3 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Special mixer AG


Special mixers AG Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Monoblock pump CP-ST PEDROLLO


Stainless steel centrifugal pumps with impeller designed to pump clean drinking or service water from natural sources without mechanical impurities. Qmax: 270 l/min Hmax: 43 m Pmax: 2,2 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Single-stage industrial pumps RD, RC, RG, RB


Single-stage industrial pumps RD, RC, RG, RB Qmax: 2000 m3/h Hmax: 140 m Pmax: 60 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Single-stage industrial pumps RN


Single-stage industrial pumps RN according EN 733 Qmax: 480 m3/h Hmax: 97 m Pmax: 75 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Monoblock pumpd NGA-PRO PEDROLLO


Stainless steel centrifugal pumps with open impeller designed to pump clean drinking or service water without mechanical impurities. Qmax: 350 l/min Hmax: 20 m Pmax: 0,75 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Vertical pump VERTICAL


Vertical pumps VERTICAL Qmax: 1000 m3/h Hmax: 60 m Pmax: 75 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Vertical process pump CANTILEVER


Vertical process pumps CANTILEVER Qmax: 400 m3/h Hmax: 60 m Pmax: 75 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Process centrifugal pumps HD, RS


Process centrifugal pumps HD, RS Qmax: 140 m3/h Hmax: 65 m Pmax: 75 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Standardized bare shaft pump NC


Standardized bare shaft industrial pumps NC Qmax: 430 l/s Hmax: 160 m Pmax: 355 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden  Dosing pump ATHENA


Special electromagnetic dosing pumps Qmax: 110 l/hod Hmax: 20 bar Pmax: 40 W Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump OLIMPIA


Special electromagnetic doising pumps Qmax: 5 l/hod Hmax: 7 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump GEA R


Special electromagnetic dosing pumps Qmax: 25 l/hod Hmax: 14 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump HYDRA


Special electromagnetic dosing pumps Qmax: 5 l/hod Hmax: 10 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump GEA


Special electromagnetic dosing pumps Qmax: 20 l/hod Hmax: 20 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump BIO


Special peristaltic dosing pumps Qmax: 2,5 l/hod Hmax: 1,5 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump ELITE


Special peristaltic dosing pumps Qmax: 1 l/hod Hmax: 1,5 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Diaphragm pump GEMINI


Pneumatic dosing pumps Qmax: 680 l/min Hmax: 80 m Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden

Qmax: 3000 l/hod Hmax: 14 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden High-speed mixer XM


High-speed mixers in stainless steel version. Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump DOSITEC-MP


Electromagnetic diaphragm dosing pump with manual regulation through a potentiometer Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump MD


Electromagnetic diaphragm dosing pump with manual regulation through a keyboard and display Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump mA


Electromagnetic diaphragm dosing pump with analogue regulation through 4-20 mA signal Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump Q


Electromagnetic diaphragm dosing pump for proportional dosing through a pulse input Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump MF


Electromagnetic diaphragm dosing pump with pH / RedOx regulation Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump PRC


Multi-function electromagnetic diaphragm dosing pump for manual dosing, proportional, analogue and timed Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump DOSTEC 40


Diaphragm and piston dosing pumps  Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump DOSTEC 50


Diaphragm and piston dosing pumps  Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump DOSTEC AC


Diaphragm and piston dosing pumps with advanced dosing control for an accurate and efficient automatic regulation Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump EF Duplex

EF Duplex

Diaphragm and piston dosing pumps driven by a connecting rod (non-loss-motion) Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump MULTIFERTIC


Modular diaphragm and piston dosing pumps. Up to 4 dosing heads Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump TEKDOS FP


Process dosing pumps, piston and positive return mechanism (non-loss-motion) Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Dosing pump EFR


Process diaphragm and piston dosing pumps, positive return type. A non-loss-motion mechanism Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Progressing Cavity Pumps NEMO-NETZSCH

Progressing Cavity Pumps NETZSCH - standard design

NEMO Progressing Cavity Pumps Qmax: 400 m3/h Hmax: 48 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Progressing Cavity Pumps NEMO-NETZSCH

Progressing Cavity Pumps NETZSCH - hygienic design

NEMO Progressing Cavity Pumps - hygienic design Qmax: 140 m3/h Hmax: 36 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Rotary Lobe Pump NETZSCH TORNADO

Industrial Rotary Lobe Pump NETZSCH - standard design

TORNADO Industrial Rotary Lobe Pumps NETZSCH in standard design Qmax: 700 m3/h Hmax: 12 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Rotary Lobe Pump NETZSCH TORNADO

Industrial Rotary Lobe Pump NETZSCH - hygienic design

TORNADO Industrial Rotary Lobe Pumps NETZSCH in hygienic design Qmax: 700 m3/h Hmax: 12 bar Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Barrel Emptying Pump NETZSCH-BE


Barrel Emptying Pumps are designed for gentle exhaustion of dense media from barrels Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Gear pump CF, CFP


Compact gear monoblock pumps Qmax: 20 l/min Hmax: 140 m Pmax: 0,75 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Aerator OSSI-JET


Aerators OSSI-JET Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Low-speed mixer CMB


Low-speed mixer with planetary gear box Pmax: 4 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Submersible multistage borehole pump PANELLI

6",8" RSX

Submersible multistage borehole pumps PANELLI with radial impellers Qmax: 78 m3/hod Hmax: 650 m Pmax: 92 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Aerator ARIAL-JET


Aerators ARIAL-JET Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Submersible multistage borehole pump PANELLI

6",8" RX

Submersible multistage pumps PANELLI with radial impellers Qmax: 78 m3/hod Hmax: 620 m Pmax: 75 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Submersible multistage borehole pump PANELLI

6",8",10",12" SX

Submersible multistage borehole pumps PANELLI - semiaxial impellers Qmax: 543 m3/hod Hmax: 470 m Pmax: 350 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Standardized centrifugal pump F-I PEDROLLO


Stainless centrifugal pumps Qmax: 2200 l/min Hmax: 37 m Pmax: 7,5 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Accumulation and lifting station PEDROLLO

SAR 550

Storage and lifting stations for clear wast water and rainwater PEDROLLO Qmax: 750 l/mimn Hmax: 26 m Pmax: 1,5 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Submersible pump PEDROLLO


Submersible pumps PEDROLLO deisgned to pump clean water and sewage water Qmax: 380 l/min Hmax: 20 m Pmax: 1,1 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Submersible pump PEDROLLO


Special submersible pumps PEDROLLO designed to pump AdBlue Qmax: 70 l/min Hmax: 25 m Pmax: 0,37 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Peripheral pump PQ-EKO, PQ-PRO, PQ 3000


Compant peripheral pumps for industrial use Qmax: 50 l/min Hmax: 180 m Pmax: 2,2 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Submersible pump PEDROLLO


Submersible pumps PEDROLLO in stainless steel Qmax: 750 l/min Hmax: 15 m Pmax: 1,1 kW Show
Agriculture Food industry Chemical and pharmaceutical industry Refinery and oil fields Mining of coal and minerals Energy, nuclear power Drinking water Water management, waste water House and Garden Submersible pump PEDROLLO


Stainless "VORTEX" and channel impeller submersible pumps PEDROLLO designed to pump sewage water Qmax: 750 l/min Hmax: 14 m Pmax: 1,1 kW Show

Selection according to usage